HotD 7/22
Shuffling listlessly,
He knew they weren't coming this time.
And never will they.
I finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last night in a marathon session. I don't want to spoil anything, but the ending was super intense and, shall I say, not quite as cheerful as the endings of the other books. That being said, I was in quite the post-modern mood this morning when I woke up and felt like writing something in the style of Salinger or Hemingway. If you've also finished HBP you can probably understand where I'm coming from.
I had an idea today about something that I like to call "Epic Haiku." Essentially, it is a series of Haikus that together tell a singular story. I haven't seen it done before, but I doubt I'm the first to try it. Earlier this summer I challenged myself to write a short work based solely on a title given to me by a third party. I haven't really worked on the challenge at all since the start of May, but I think I might pick it up again on Monday as an ongoing epic haiku. For those who are interested, the title I was given was "The Left-Hand Man." I have a couple good ideas, so be sure to check back often to see how it progresses!
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